World of Skills
Getting the right skills to launch your future
You may not realise it but you already have more skills than you think.
At the beginning of our working lives we all need to learn how to do lots of new things as we train and build our knowledge alongside gaining formal qualifications.
Throughout life, especially as we move between jobs and careers, we will need lots of new skills to help us to progress.
This is where Skills Launchpad Plymouth comes in and through the Youth Hub service we'll support you with your next steps.
If you’re a school leaver who’s perhaps never worked or a college or university leaver with limited work experience, we can help you promote the skills you already have and help identify your next steps.
By increasing your skills, you will be well placed to launch your future in Plymouth.

What do we mean by skills?
A skill is the ability to perform an action with determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. Skills can often be divided into general/ transferrable skills and job specific skills.
Does that help? You may already have transferable skills that employers value without realising it
Captained a sports team – that’s leadership skills and teamwork skills
Had a Saturday job, paper round or duty at school? That could be customer service skills, organisational skills, communication skills, budgetary skills, team skills…
Maybe during lockdown you helped your family and the local community
Starting to get the picture? Having the right skills helps you move forward and improves your chances of getting a job and skills are easier to gain than you think!
So, what’s next?
We recognise every skills journey is going to be different – some of you may be happier to self-help from our Skills Launchpad Resources Bank and others may want more individual support.