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Shekinah – Learning Exchange Programme

Are you 18+? Shekinah’s Learning Exchange Programme have some brilliant courses on offer this autumn.

Shekinah provides opportunities for people who are experiencing all forms of homelessness and other challenges they may be currently facing. A team of both staff and volunteers ensure that people are given a variety of opportunities to help them progress. Over the past 30 years they have developed a comprehensive range of services. From support with health, housing, education and employment, Shekinah can offer support and advice.

The Learning Exchange programme believes that everyone experiences personal growth and improved wellbeing through learning.

They are currently offering courses on Poetry, Creative Writing, and Vegan Cooking. They also have a course on Dualism, with none other than Doc Price!

The programme has something for everyone, so whether you are interested in understanding Spirituality, Watercolour Painting, or would like to improve on your English and Maths, why not see what is on offer?

All courses are FREE! Come and join in.

If you would like more information, why not pop along to the Friday drop in session at Bath Street? Alternatively, you can email, or click here


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