Elaine is someone with huge amounts of perseverance and determination. This Skills Launchpad Plymouth member demonstrated a real drive for both upskilling herself and wanting to contribute to Plymouth’s working economy.
Despite some employment setbacks after a successful interview, due to financial cuts rather than her own talents and ability, Elaine continues to move forward with her skills journey and is now happily volunteering as well as completing a digital skills qualification with On Course South West.
Having worked with various members of the Skills Launchpad Plymouth team, Elaine has taken up all opportunities provided, from attending job fairs to CV workshops with the National Careers Service.
Most recently, Elaine was nominated for and won our Adult Hub Member of the Year Award, because she has shown nothing but tenacity, resilience and a can do approach to upskilling herself from the very first time we met her.
Here is what Elaine shared:
“The Skills Launchpad Plymouth team have been helping me to sharpen my pencil on job seeking.”
“They are all helpful, caring, friendly and efficient”
“As a resident in the UK, arriving from Hong Kong in 2021, I am now skilled in my local neighbourhood. I am willing to learn and have confidence that Skills Launchpad has helped my career path"