Caring Plymouth
Introducing Caring Plymouth
Caring Plymouth is a city-wide partnership that is working together on skills, training, education, careers and jobs in the health and social care sector.
Our Health and Care Coordinator, Jack, is here to help match you with the opportunity (job, training, apprenticeship) that best fits you, your lifestyle, skills and experience. The Caring Plymouth team can also support those already in the sector to ensure they are connected and aware of the support, training and rewards available to you.

Joining adult social care
Adult social care covers the activities delivered to support a wide range of individuals to live independently, safe and well. These activities take place across various settings such as:
Care homes providing a home and personal care for people who need extra support in their daily lives. This is further categorised into residential care, which ensures the needs of residents are met, and nursing, which ensures needs are met as well supporting with nursing needs, commonly supported by a qualified nurse.
Domiciliary Care providers enable people with care needs to remain in their own home rather than moving into a care setting or staying in hospital.
Supported living and extra care providers typically offer support and/or care services to help people to live as independently as possible. This service enables individuals to decide where they want to live and who with, how they want to be supported and what happens in their own home.