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About Skills Launchpad Plymouth

Connecting you with opportunities in your city


Led by Plymouth City Council, in collaboration with Department for Work and Pensions, we are working in city-wide partnership to connect businesses and the people of Plymouth with opportunities for skills, training, education, careers and jobs - and joining the dots like this really works. See details on our national, regional and local recognition here.


You are at the heart of your Skills Journey. We recognise that one size does not fit all and acknowledge the ongoing pressures of the rising cost of living. Offering an ethical and inclusive service, designed to help you to make independent and informed skills and training choices, we want to support you to take positive next steps towards employment. 


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Investing in our people through skills


Our city has always been forward-looking. We are supporting Plymouth businesses, our communities and its people to invest in skills to support economic growth and recovery. 


We understand the skills needed by our local employers both today and in the future and are able to help local people to become better informed and equipped about these opportunities, able to access the right skills to help move forward into meaningful employment and achieve positive skills outcomes. 

Our Partners

Skills Launchpad Plymouth complements the Heart of the South West Skills Launchpad which aims to improve the employment, training and careers opportunities for all in Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay.


To help you access the right support and opportunities for you, we work with a wide-range of partners in Plymouth.  

Meet the Team


Skills Lead


Emma joined the Skills Team in October 2015 and established the award winning, Council led Building Plymouth Skills Partnership working with the local construction and built environment sector. When the global pandemic struck in 2020, Emma also took on leadership for the Resurgam: Skills4Plymouth strategic pillar and became the Skills Lead for Plymouth City Council. As part of the city’s Resurgam response, Emma created the vision, and through working in successful partnership, delivered Skills Launchpad Plymouth – the city’s one-stop-shop for skills, training, education, careers and jobs.  


With over 16 years’ experience previously working in higher education leading business engagement, marketing and communications, student recruitment and coordinating knowledge transfer programmes with the local business community, Emma is passionate about helping local people and employers, finding innovative Skills solutions and creating opportunities for collaborative working to deliver maximum impact and lasting legacy.


Emma is a proud Plymouthian who wants to make a difference and as a committed volunteer, led The Road to Mayflower project to improve the city’s visitor arrival experience for the Mayflower400 commemoration.  



LinkedIn: Emma Hewitt | LinkedIn

Launch your skills journey here!
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Youth Hub


If you are 16-24 or a parent/ guardian.

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Adult Hub


If you are aged 25 years or over.

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